Excerpt from Kerry Bones book “The Herbal Therapy” Stealth Pathogens - The BAD Guys

What are they and how do we deal with them?  In the opinion of many experts, the threat to humanity of infectious diseases is on the rise.  It has NEVER BEEN GREATER THEN TODAY.  

The reason for this relates to issues such as antibiotic resistance, climate change, diet, food  and non- food sources we ingest, increased travel, increased transfer of infections from animals to humans via arthropods and other intermediate hosts.  Even pollution is thought to play a role as well.  Hidden pathogens are now recognized to be a driver of many chronic diseases or lack of wellbeing.

Stealth pathogens are covert invaders.  They are located in:

  • In your mouth

  • Shelter in your mouth

  • In your food, drinks, water 

  • Hide in your brain

  • Circulate in your blood

  • Cling onto your lungs

  • Swim in your bladder

  • Lurk among your gut flora

  • Feast on  the undigested food in your small and large intestine.

  • They hide in your cells in any and every part of your body.

There are key core strategies for dealing with stealth pathogens and effective herbal options to help manage their impact on chronic diseases. 


Llolyn Pobran, D.C. - “After doing colonics for most of my 48+ years in practice I am convinced that it would be quite difficult to ever reach the highest level of health and vitality without cleaning out the colon where the undigested food that is stagnant and not moving out of your system is feeding the parasites (bacteria, viruses, archaea, eukaryotic microbes,  fungi, protozoa) that reside in and on our bodies, but especially in our gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract is very long.  It is estimated to be approximately 30-40 feet long with many twist, loops, prolapses and pockets (diverticula).   The small and large intestine can and does stretch as it is very elastic.  It stretches lengthwise causing blockages, loops, prolapses and twisted intestines. It stretches on the diameter and on autopsy instead of being 1-2 inches wide are now 7-9 inches wide. 

After many years of doing before and after barium x-rays and once the contents are cleaned out the intestines can return to either normal or near normal length and diameter.  Unfortunately because the large intestine is made up of two muscles (longitudinal and circular) once stretched it may heal with scar tissue.   Therefore to return the length of the colon back to normal may not be always possible depending of the length of time of being constipated and the severity.  Many people come to our center from the hospitals with comments that the CT scan showed scarring of the intestines due to being fully impacted. 

Begin your colon treatments as soon and as young as possible to allow for a high quality internal life with vibrant energy!